Thursday, June 4, 2015


When God made humans, he made them as a reflection of himself. He wove worth into every aspect of their personhood. Thus, each individual possesses a unique ability to glorify the Creator by evidencing his image in his or her life.

This is what sets humans apart from animals. It is the foundation for human law and culture. It is the argument against cruelty and for politeness, for mutual respect, for helping others. It's why we create things that go beyond merely supporting survival: things that are enjoyable for their own sake: things like delicious food, pretty clothes, expressive music. It is why racism is not ok, why euthanasia is not ok, why abortion is not ok. 

And it is why disparaging oneself is not ok.

For some reason, many Christians believe that speaking negatively of themselves is a virtue. I was raised to believe that. I remember as a child mocking a song which included the lyrics “I’m somebody: I’m created in the image of God, and I’m somebody… I am loved, and I’m his child, I’m important to him.” To my warped sensibilities, this song was the height of arrogance. Who am I to say that I am important?

But God says that I am important. God says I am made in his image, and valuable - so valuable, he sent his Son to redeem me from my feelings of worthlessness. For me to deny this, and to insist on degrading myself by continually referring to myself as a “horrific wretch” - for me to joke that if God really knew what I was going to be like, he would never have saved me - for me to say "oh, I am actually not very good at that" when someone asks me about a real ability that I have been given - for me to do these things is for me to mock my Creator. It is to disagree with his very words, and to focus on myself instead of on what he declares is true.

Three and a half years ago, with these thoughts in mind, I wrote this poem. 


To recognize inherent beauty
implanted in a soul
crafted in the image of the Sovereign?

To nod acknowledgement: 
I am
enabled for a purpose
of glory to my Maker?

To exude confidence:
I am
modeled specifically
by a flawless intentional

Do I believe
in what 
His Word declares
I am?

yes, but ransomed. 
Image of God distorted
yet being restored

If so, 
as such
I dare not bury
beneath a guise of lowliness.
To deny is to despise

He loves me
for the value
He has woven through my soul. 

Acknowledgment of inner beauty - 
Or true humility. 

(c) 2011 Janice Brown. All Rights Reserved. 

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